Sunday, December 4, 2016

Manually update the NVT through Shell

1) Execute the command below in order to update NVT.
root@LinuxTest:~# http_proxy="http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@PROXYIP:PORT/" /usr/sbin/openvas-nvt-sync --wget
2) Restart the Openvasd via executing the following commands so that the new plugins can be reloaded into the scanner.
root@LinuxTest:~# /usr/bin/openvas-stop && /usr/bin/openvas-start
alienvault:/usr/local/sbin/crond# /usr/bin/killall -HUP openvassd

3) In order to see whether all new plugins have been imported, "ps" command may be utilized.
root@LinuxTest:~# ps -aef|grep open
root     28135     1  0 13:33 ?        00:00:00 openvasmd
root     28152     1 98 13:33 ?        00:01:05 openvassd: Reloaded 50450 of 50527 NVTs (99% / ETA: 00:00)
root     28155 28152  0 13:33 ?        00:00:00 openvassd (Loading Handler)
root     28231 21831  0 13:34 pts/0    00:00:00 grep open

4) Furthermore, as shown in the example below, "openvas-check-setup" can be used to check the status.
root@LinuxTest:~# /usr/bin/openvas-check-setup

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